Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Motorcycle Japan: Book: A Dictionary of basic Japanese grammar

Japanese Language Resource

Book: A Dictionary of basic Japanese grammar
by Seiichi Makino & Michio Tsutsui

An English reference that introduces the basics of Japanese grammar.

* Characteristics of Japanese Grammar
for example: word order, topic , levels of politeness, particles and view point

* Main section provides and alphabetic look up of Japanese grammar and detailed expalnations and examples

* Verbs and how they change

* Adjectives

* Numerals and Counters

Amazon Customer Review

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars they should call this Japanese For Dummies, September 16, 2000
By Tim
I bought this book in Japan, so I don't how how available it is in North America. This book has become a vital part of my Japanese language library, helping me in more ways than I can count. Along with my English to Japanese dictionary, verb ductionary, and my kanji dictionary, this helps me structure any sentence I've ever wanted. By memorizing a few formulas and understanding examples of grammar, I understand the language so much more, I can express most thoughts I want, and I'm a step ahead of most people in my Japanese class. This is the transition for a beginner student between simple and complex sentences.

Buy the Book

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