Monday, February 15, 2010

Book Review - All About Particles by Naoko Chino reviewed by - Self Study Japanese

Book Review –

All About Particles - by Naoko Chino

Reviewed by

Copyright, 2009, All Rights Reserved

Author: Naoko Chino
Publisher: Kodansha, Tokyo, Japan.
Published: 1991.
ISBN: 0-87011-954-0
Pages: 127.
Rating: 4/5 

A handy Japanese particles reference

All About Particles is another great book by Naoko Chino that allows non native speakers to self study Japanese. In this book sixty nine particles are classified and broken down into some two hundred usages. Each entry is classified by order of frequency, by meaning and by gender (those phrases used by men and those by women). What level does it fit into for a language learner? It would be helpful for JLPT level 3 studying for level 2 .Not recommended for beginners. To give you an idea of a sample entry, a typical entry starts with the particle, a grammar explanation, an example sentence in full Japanese script. Then the same sentence in romaji followed by the meaning of the sentence in English. So each particle gets a five point dissection. The book assumes you know the particles already, that is you have learned them in class and the book is really a reference for your prior study.


The book is a great size and lightweight that can easily slip into a coat pocket or bag. Finding your way around the book is easy with a clear table of contents and index (that is in romaji). A stand out point is that sample sentences are in full Japanese script, (kanji, hiragana and katakana). So you can practice your reading, learn new words and see the particle in context. There is a good range of sentences that you can start memorizing and using straight away which will help you to start talking in sentences quickly and get the particle usage correct. Sentence topics show real Japanese culture and typical conversations and cover the weather, work, hobbies and dreams. As particles have more than one meaning the book shows how to use the same particle in a range of ways. As a self study learner if you mine the book from cover to cover you will gain a range of new nouns, verbs, adjectives, set phrases and kanji as a bonus.


As mentioned the book does assume a prior knowledge of particles, sentences, grammar and knowledge. There is no guide on how to best use the book so you have to make up your own. There is no CD but the sentences are ripe for you to record yourself and practice. As a learner you have to do all the work based on your own study plan and goals. No CD or exercises so unable to give five stars.


A handy reference to particles for the intermediate student in a logical format that helps you to see particles in context that can aid a better understanding and usage. Provides a range of sentences that cover a range of topics.

Reviewed by

Copyright, 2009, All Rights Reserved

Rating: 4/5 ****

All About Particles - Naoko Chino - Self Study Japanese